How to Play With Bubbles in the Best Way for Toddlers with Autism


Bubbles are not only loved by your baby or toddler; they are also a cheap and wonderful way to encourage many areas of development and learning. They are one of the easiest ways to stimulate different areas of your child’s brain. They will see and experience them differently in every way, shape, and form: colors, shapes & shadows, sounds, and even touch.

How well your baby develops her visual skills

Bubbles are naturally occurring geometric figures (often called” “” “bouncing figures.”) that appear in nature. They’re shaped like tennis balls, corks, eggs, caterpillars, leaves, and other more unstable objects. These geometric figures help babies learn how to use their visual faculties by placing them into otherwise stable environments where they can get a toy or treat pieces. The visual skills developed from bubbles allow children (and adults) to identify parts of objects or scenes without trial and error.

What Can Your Child Learn From Playing Bubbles?

Depending on your child’s stage of development, your child might learn to:

look at you and smile

ask for more bubbles — by reaching for the bubble wand or jar, pointing, using a sign or picture, making a sound, or saying a word or sentence

ask you to play bubbles with him — by bringing you the bubble jar, reaching for or pointing to the jar, using a sign or picture for bubbles, or saying a sound, word, or sentence

ask you to open the bubble jar — by bringing you the pot, touching or pointing to the lid, or using a sign, picture, sound, word, or sentence

copy what you say about the bubbles

make a comment about the bubbles

Benefits of bubble play

That playing helps them develop perspective, problem-solving and social skills.

Through fun games, including bubbles, your child learns about numbers, colors, sounds, and more.

They learn to be relaxed and focused while playing, which helps them better focus in school.

bubbles help with the development of motor skills

Give your Child a Reason to Communicate

It involves creating a situation that tempts your child to interact with you and send you messages. You can Give your Child a Reason to Communicate by doing the following:

First, get your child’s attention before you start to play:

get close to your child — you should be face-to-face

say his name

show him the bubble jar and introduce the activity (“Let’s blow bubbles!”)

Give your child a reason to ask you for more bubbles

Start blowing bubbles. Once you have caught your child’s interest, hold the bubble wand near your mouth but don’t blow any bubbles. Wait for him to ask you in his own way for more bubbles. Depending on your child’s stage of development, he might ask for you for more bubbles by:

looking at you and smiling

reaching for the container or wand

pushing the wand towards your mouth or giving you the wand

pointing to the container or wand

using a sign, sound, word, or sentence

Give your child a reason to make comments about the bubbles

If your child is starting to talk in short sentences, you can help him learn to make comments while playing with bubbles.

Hand-eye and foot-eye coordination

Bubble play is a 5-minute game of hiding and seeks with children. It helps children develop strong hand-eye coordination and foot-eye coordination, helps them develop fine motor skills, and helps them feel safe and comfortable while playing. The objective of Bubble play is for each child to hide behind a panel of bubbles while the other children try to find them. Each child must receive minimal stimulation; careful attention to decorating and training is equally important here.

Bubble play for babies

Tummy time is a fun and exciting way to play with your babies. Babies love to play in water and bubbles. No more struggling to get them out of the water when they are tired or hungry. This activity is great for babies of all ages.

Spend time together on your tummies, watching the bubbles fall to the ground. Try catching a bubble on your wand, then let your baby reach to pop it. He’ll be able to do this before he develops the ability to reach out and pop a moving bubble.

Bubble play for Toddlers

Babies are curious, and they like to play with bubbles. They bite into them, spit them out, and even try to pop them in their mouth. Depending on how old he is, he might start playing with his bubbles around the house and become more involved as he gets older.

A very frequent suggestion from pediatricians is to place bubble wrapping around item he/she is interested in to keep them from trying to pull (and succeeding at) special tricks.



Madhuranjan Kumar —
Madhuranjan Kumar —

Written by Madhuranjan Kumar —

I’m Digital Marketing Specialist since 2011. I have successfully completed 250 Projects till date. Majority of my clients are from the USA, UK and Australia.

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