The Muller investigation in Russian meddling in the Donal Trump campaign


The Muller investigation into Russian meddling in the Donal Trump campaign for president continues and every now and again we get a snippet of information during a course into the lines on enquiry Muller is taking. The latest in money laundering..

Natalia Veselnitskaya

Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian attorney who met with Trump campaign officials in June 2016, was accused by the prosecutors in New York City, who had to deal with the united states ‘long-standing lawsuit against money laundering, which had wide ramifications for the two countries

Veselnitskaya is accused of making a misleading statement in the suit against the investment company of the investment company’s Holdings Ltd. She presented the results of an alleged independent investigation by the Russian government, which exonerated customers, including the Prevezon, claiming that she had” gone to the big effort” to obtain a copy of it. In fact, the U.S. said, he was secretly working with the Russian prosecutors to draw the results.

Veselnitskaya has secretly schemed with an older Russian prosecutor to provide false information to U.S. law enforcement in an effort to affect the lawsuits, “Angel Melendez, the special agent responsible for the New York home Security investigation office,” said in a written statement.

The case signals federal prosecutors continue to investigate Russian money laundering and indicates that they are reading e-mails between Veselnitskaya and Russian prosecutors. Which could help Special Counsel Robert Müller, who in the June 2016 met with the help of the jury’s nomination for the ministry of political filth against Donald Trumps Democratic political opponent, Hillary Clinton.

The meeting was conducted by Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, the president of the Trump campaign at the time, who is being investigated by Mueller for fraud and criminal prosecution.

The accusations that have been thrown on Tuesday are the main objective of the court case, in which the united states tried to collect millions of dollars stolen in an elaborate Russian tax heist and laundry in New York real estate. The united states say that an estimated 230 million dollars have been stolen from an investment fund in Russia, Bill Browder’s Capital

In the suit, the U.S. government has accused Denis Katsyv, the first shareholder in the united states, of helping to wash the money by purchasing the apartment blocks in Manhattan. Katsyv is the son of a former Moscow transport minister. The money was siphoned from Russia through a labyrinth of foreign banks and hidden in assets and accounts around the world, the US prosecutors said.

The money laundering process was resolved on the eve of the trial, with us agreeing to take 5 million dollars

The meeting of the Trump Tower was a focus on Mueller’s investigation. Trump Jr. initially described the meeting as an unequal discussion of the policy of Russian adoption. He also called on the e-mails that indicated that Russian citizens offered information that could harm Clinton’s candidacy and defended his decision to make the meeting

President Trump and his son both insisted that there was no bargain between the campaign and the Russia administration at the meeting. Veselnitskaya told a similar story and the investigation continues.



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