Top 4 tips to Create an Effective Facebook Ad Copy


4 easy steps for Writing Your Best Facebook Ads that will help you create the right Facebook ad copy to drive conversions. create effective Facebook ad campaigns,

Before uploading an ad copy to Facebook, you must select a purpose. This includes things like brand awareness, lead generation and app install. If you are struggling, brand awareness is a good all-rounder and helps Facebook expand your video advertising to a targeted demographic, increasing the likelihood of being seen by people interested in your brand.

A successful Facebook advertising campaign includes correct targeting, correct placement, image and / or video, and a compelling copy. In this blog post, we will focus on the importance of copy for a successful Facebook advertising campaign. The good thing is that you don’t have to be a novelist to write a good copy for effective advertising.

While advertising copy is critical to the success of every advertisement, you don’t have to be (or hire) a professional copywriter to write it. Instead, all you need to do is follow these 4 easy steps that will help you create the right Facebook ad copy to drive conversions.

“Writing copy for Facebook ads is like writing copy for pre-Internet print ads. In our experience, the copy and the creative need to work together, and only one can do a majority of the work.”

4 Tips to Write the Best Facebook Ad Copy Ever.

Image Optimization for ad copy

A single image ad is one of the simplest advertisements because it is easy to set up — it does not take a lot of time to create. Once you choose an objective you choose your audience and then upload your content, image, and link.

The Image Text Check tool ensures that your images fall within Facebook’s recommended 20% text rule and assesses whether the text of your images can affect ad performance.

Facebook favors visual content over written content because time has proved that visuals are what users want to see. Also, scenes are more easily remembered and they are more likely to be shared.

Nothing looks worse than a low-quality image in your ads. For this reason, be sure to use the highest quality images to help your ads look their best.

Facebook ad image size matters for a few reasons:

Understanding Facebook ad image size means that you avoid images that are distorted because they are stretched, pixelated, or blurred.

The right size and placement help your ad target the right audience — across multiple platforms.

Depending on the marketing purpose of your ad, the size and placement of the image you use will either help your ad stand out or blend in with everything your audience sees.

Single image ad specs

  • Image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
  • Facebook and Instagram Stories size: 1,080 x 1,920 pixels
  • Image ratio: 9:16 to 16: 9 (cropped to 1.91:1 when a link is included)

Get a Connection with your Audience

The biggest mistake I make when I launch Facebook ads is from business owners, they are not understanding the relationships with the people they are advertising with. You have to analyze your market before spending on advertisements. Every business needs its own voice, which mimics its followers. When users scroll through the feed, they need to be able to instantly recognize your brand’s voice.

By using the Audience Insights tool to build customer profiles at this level of depth, you learn how to better read your content as well as your users and promote your content where they read it.

One of the most powerful Facebook ad copy techniques is to polarize people. You want your ideal customers to see your advertising material and be drawn inside. You want people who are not your ideal customers to be sent.

One of the easiest ways to polarize people is by asking “yes” questions. These are questions that only your target customer will say yes to.

Although functional advertisements are really useful, the adoption of emotional ad copy sets us apart from robots and creates more meaningful relationships with potential customers

An analysis of 1,400 successful advertising campaign case studies found that campaigns with purely emotional content performed nearly twice as much (31% vs. 16%) as those with only rational content.

There is no limit to the emotions you can bring to the game — excitement, sadness, joy, sadness, surprise, etc. Just make sure that the sentiment matches your ad offering. Placing a yes question at the top of your ad will help hook your entire customer. If you catch them with that first line, they will read the rest.

Facebook Audience Insights is one of the most powerful tools available for audience research and it’s free. It’s something that every advertiser should be using.

Video Ad best Ad Copy

They are 1.81 times more likely to make a video purchase than non-video viewers. Video ads are as easy to create as regular image ads. Just go to Facebook Ad Manager, create a new campaign, and upload a video instead of an image.

If you are interested in using video ads in various places, I highly recommend checking out this video guide provided by Facebook:

We suggest keeping your video as short as possible, even if Facebook allows you to upload a much larger video. Create a video that showcases your product or service, and upload directly to Facebook Ad Manager

There are six types of video ads that you can invest in on Facebook:

  • Short Videos and GIFs
  • Vertical Videos
  • Instagram Stories
  • Video Carousels
  • Video Collections
  • In-stream Videos

Creating a video ad in the Facebook Ads Manager is just as easy as setting up a regular ad. Only instead of an image, you’ll be using a video.

*Videos work well with complex products, giving you a chance to explain all your product’s benefits

*Adding captions to your video increases the view rates.

Video ads have a GIF or video as the focal point of the advertisement and can be used to showcase a product or event. Video ads help build a deeper connection with your audience by connecting your brand with one type of content. Online users are increasingly consuming more (approximately 80% of all data consumed on mobile devices will be in video form by 2021.

With a video segmentation test, you can test up to five different videos at once. You will need to add your Facebook page and advertising account and provide some basic targeting details. Facebook will have to spend a minimum of $ 400 per video mockup over a 72-hour period to determine test results.

Ad Headline

When running Facebook ads it is necessary to have a great ad title. Without it, your campaigns are likely to be flat.

These headlines indicate a clear advantage over hit keywords. They also add some social proof to top this advertisement. Headlines starting with the number resonate among 36% of all participants. Numbers occupy the eye because they make a piece of material digestible. They know what to expect. If there’s one thing that humans value, that is predictability. This explains why we have weather forecasts, follow schedules, and create routines.

Your headline should be short and straight. Your title may reflect the additional text of your ad, such as providing a discounted product or service. However, it should also be related to the image you have selected. In this example, note that the title “How to be your own boss. Set your own hours” brings together additional elements reflecting work from the home theme in this ad:

Facebook advertising is in the headlines which is formulated as questions an audience responds subconsciously. However, we need to get into the question headlines so that readers only answer them and leave. Question headlines, open-ended or closed-end, should pull them in.

The five-word headline is often catchy and definitely gets right on point. If your headline gets very bad, you are losing your focus and your chances are there.


Facebook Advertising is an incredibly powerful advertising platform , and all the pieces of the puzzle fitting together will allow you to write copy that maximizes that power. Copy of Facebook ad should be short, sweet and most important for a specific audience related to the advertisement you are targeting and running.

Originally published at



Madhuranjan Kumar —

I’m Digital Marketing Specialist since 2011. I have successfully completed 250 Projects till date. Majority of my clients are from the USA, UK and Australia.